Henoko New Base Construction 17th April 2017

90% of Resisters are elders from Okinawa and Main Land. Young ones are rarely address in this struggle. A retired school teacher comes very often as he experienced the battle of Okinawa. Before starting to lift up resisters, police give an announce to move by themselves. Security company called ALSOK covers all around Japan's security guard. However, Okinawa U.S. military base's work is just intense. As those workers are ordinary men, not being trained like police or military. I wonder that how much they understand about what their job brings to Okinawa's future. 20 Concrete mixer trucks and other trucks came into the base this morning. Recently, 3 times a day, the trucks go into the base. Certainly, the construction goes forward day by day. Except Wednesday and Sunday trucks go into. It is depends on the number of the people. 200-300 people can stop the police attack. But, today was only 50 people. ...