Veterans For Peace joined to sit in at a gate of Camp Schwab.

Still in a darkness of New Moon at 6 a.m. 12 members of VFP gathered at right in front of a gate of Camp Schwab.

A One old veteran told people that he was stationed at Camp Schwab 55 years ago.
A young veteran said he joined Iraq War. He was believing that Military Force could bring a Peace. but In consequence, Military brought endless chaos to the Middle East.

They visited Jeju island of South Korea before coming to Okinawa.
US and its Military Alliances building new bases to surround China & Russia.

               VFP joined the sit in at construction vehicles gate, Facing to riot polices.

Police makes temporary jail by using their vehicles and fence, Puts people in it and being placed in confinement.
Everyday, construction vehicles go into the Base.
People are mortified about not be able to stop.


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