24th Feb, 500 People Stopped Construction Today !!

Wednesday morning, 500 hundreds people gathered at Camp Schwab.
No way for Police to remove this number of people.
Construction vehicles were not coming today.

              If we have this amount of people everyday, Construction won't be completed.

                 Early morning 6 am. Riot police arrive and go into the Camp Schwab.

Almost 600 days.


  1. Good morning,

    My name is Pedro Rodrigues and I am the responsible for the Asia Pacific bureau of RT Ruptly, an international news agency part of the RT global TV station media family.

    We are very much inspired by this action and we would like to cover stories about your actions against the construction of this base in Henoko.

    Could you please keep me informed of your future actions? And could you let me know if on Sunday, the 600th day of the stop of construction by the actions of the people, you will be doing a bigger event?

    Please do let me know and let's keep in touch - prodrigues@ruptly.tv - we want to give your movement a global voice.

    Many thanks


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