Ikuko-san from Takae

I met Ikuko san the first time was on movie called #TargetedVillage (Youtube).
As she works at her family's small factory. Her & family are making  a traditional altar for ancestors. 
However, she gave up to work on it because it requiered a plenty of time & have to finish at once.
Since construction started forcibly, she lost her relaxed time at her village.
It has been ten years almost.

On 2014 I & her went to East cost of U.S.A to join a peace walk toward the Washington D.C.
She was very humble but told strongly of the U.S. military problem in Okinawa at  every

I see her at the Takae often. 
Recntly, she was looks like very tired and disappointted, I was understanding that it's a due to the crack down by the police force to the people.

Police used to be taking a neutral position between construction people and opposition people.
Since Shinzo Abe became a prime minister, the police started useing their power to help U.S. military base construction.

Today I was with her at a gate, and she seems stronger than before. I saw, she was carried
away by 4 police men from blocking the trucks.

When we watch everyday numbers of trucks go into the gate, sometimes feeling like a give up or disappointment. 
Today, when I saw Ikuko san's effort, I received invisible power to continue my struggle.

Later, I asked her that 
I took your picture today because your act inspired me especially today.

And again I asked why you looks very strong today

And she answerd me that yeserday I went to the court and on the way back home, all of us felt the helpless situation... 
I wanted get out from this emotional situation, so I expressed that.


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