Native Nations Rise Up !! (Report from U.S.A.)

5 people from Okinawa came for a peace walk for Native American.
University Students from Okinawa who are age of early 20th joinned a Peace Walk called Water Walk for Life which walks beside a proposed route for a oil pipeline where it go through on or under sacred site for Indigenous people called Ramapough-Lenaape.

When I compare peace movement or social justice movement between Japan and USA, I see many spiritual or religious people at front-line of the movements in USA but I rarely see in Japan.

What is a significance of NoDAPL movement is a changing the consciousness of people that protest to protect.

By occupy wall street, many people as well as youth people were awaken and stood up for their right and future.

I see the occupy wall street was as more political movement.

However, NoDAPL movement which was led by Indigenous people was more spiritual movement.

Their highest priority is Prayer.
and Respect whoever they are with compassionate behavior. Because we are one family of this mother earth.

Therefore, a meaning of non violence is much deeper than any peace movements in Japan.

Non violent resistance, as Sattya Graha was started by Mahatma Gandhi for an independent from U.K.

It was a quite a political movement but Gandhi explained that this is a religious & spiritual movement.

When we change the world, we need to change our states of mind and daily life style.

For better solution of Okinawa US military base issue, we need more spiritual power and people from Standing Rock or America.

We invite all of you who read this.

Because from this May, Japanese and U.S. Government may start reclamation of coral bay for new military base for U.S. in Okinawa Japan.

We need people from all over the world to protect Okinawa sea.

We are not protesting, but we are protecting.

Human greed and ignorance are putting us a critical time for humans to keep surviving on this mother earth.
Let's unite !!
Lakota women offering songs.
In front the white house
Sitting Bull is from Standing Rock
No U.S. Bases in Okinawa.
A Okinawan man carry a banner.
Twins from Okinawa march together.
Lakota elder, Cheryl Angel talk about her experience at Standing Rock.
Cherokee women share their history with peace walkers.
Split Rock Sweet Water camp at New Jersey. Ramapough-Luaapes people hold prayer camp to stop Pilgrim pipeline.
Chief Perry purify people with sage.
Cherokee women lead the walk.
Split Rock Sweet Water Camp.
Women create peace.


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