Water Protectors from NY have come to Henoko to stand in solidarity with the sit-in.

Upon learning of the struggle that the people of Okinawa face with the Henoko base construction, several Peace Walkers and Activists were inspired to show their support. We learned of the Military Base issue on a Water Protection Peace Walk between New York and New Jersey raising awareness for the Pilgrim and Algonquin Pipeline Projects. We see the similarities in the struggles of indigenous people within the United States and the people of Okinawa as one struggle for protecting our water and land sovereignty. With prayers and great hope, we bring the spirit of Standing Rock to raise the hopes of the Okinawa People, inspire the youth to speak out, and show respect and compassion for the Marines that find themselves trapped by the choices of government and military powers. A peace walk will take place in June and our prayers will be carried from the Northern to Southern tip of Okinawa as we recall the suffering endured by all affected by the Battle of Okinawa. - Jim Suriano


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