Henoko Jan. 2019

Henoko USMC new base construction has facing a new stage.
Jap. Gov. declared to start a landfill Henoko bay on 14th Dec. finally.

It's been 22 years of struggle.
In 2014, Sea walls construction had started.
Sea walls are recoverable.
However, this time fine gravels like soil will be dump into the bay.
Then it is not likely recoverable.

Since 2014, Previous and Present both govonors of Okinawa declared to stop Henoko U.S. new base.
Of course that central government has big power to push the construction.
Eventhough, the govenor also have power to stop construction.
There are many regulation for construction to ask permission to the local government.

Now, Government stareted land filling at smaller red sect.
It will be finished in a few month.
Then Gov. start bigger red sect.

Blue section is deeper and floor is too soft.
Technically difficult to improve the soil.
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