
Showing posts from July, 2016

2016年7月 沖縄処分

皆様、報道等で既に大半の事はご存知の事と思いますが、高江の現地に居た者と して一連の出来事と、それについての感想をお伝えしたいと思います。 今からちょうど2週間前の夜、参院選の結果が発表されていくなか、沖縄 は十万六千四百票の大差でオール沖縄が自民党の島尻あいこ現職大臣を降 し、辺野古も高江も今後の見通しは良いだろうと安堵していました。(これ で沖縄県選出の全国会議員に自民党は居なくなりました) 翌日、11日早朝5時頃にたまたま村民が資材を積んだ車両の隊列が高江の ジャングル訓練トレーニングセンター(以下、北部訓練場)に入って行くの を目撃しました。 後から分かったことですが、日本政府は用意周到にこの日の為に準備して いた用です。 それからはまさに急展開で様々な事がこの二週間に起こりました。 日本政府はもちろんの事、沖縄防衛局、外務省、米国海兵隊、沖縄県警等 が翁長県政と県民の見えない所で様々な画策をし、法律、条例等を無視 し、説明もしないままに着々と工事着工に向かっていきました。 少しだけ例をあげれば、 違法な鉄柵を設置し抗議行動を排斥し。 基地を囲っているフェンスでさえ本来の米軍機地の境界線を越えて県道の 中まで設置している事が発覚し。 県の許可を得ず県警が独断で県道を封鎖、検問。検問ではトランクを調べ ようとする等の明らかな越権行為。 座り込みの人達が車を駐車していた県道にいきなり駐車禁止の標識をこれ また県の公安委員会の許可を得ず、名護署の署長の指示でという理由で設 置。 撤去されてしまったテントも車も法律上、警察やましては防衛局が撤去で きる法的理由はなかった。 挙げ句の果てには、警察車両の前に座り込んでいた市民を沖縄県警が跳ね た後、怪我していた男性を道の脇に無理矢理移動させ車はそのまま逃走す る。 などちょっとにわかには信じられない事が連続して起こりました。 少し変わった事例をあげれば、したっぱの防衛局員、各県機動隊員達も明 らかに動揺していました。何も知らされず沖縄に送られ、市民弾圧の命令 がくるが沖縄の人間が何故私達が体をはってでも工事を阻止するか、沖縄 の歴史をおじい、おばあが必死になって涙を流して伝える、かと思えば歌 を唄い踊りだす。 また新聞でも報道されましたが、防衛局職員(60名がうるま市の女性暴行 殺人事件を受け、他府県か

Okinawa Deposition 22nd. July. 2016

A massive power of the Government is demonstrated with the Japanese riot Police who are sent from Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa, Aichi, Osaka, and Fukuoka.  All Japan riot police forces. Uncountable numbers of Police forces (media says 500 - 1000 hundreds) arrived at Okinawa on this middle of July. The Japanese government has been ignoring a Japanese law on the isolated island of Okinawa. The situation in Okinawa has been so critical and danger of democratic and constitutional nation. The Japanese government ignores the Okinawa prefecture government. And using police to remove the will and decision of Okinawa. Especially Police power has been overused and ignoring law process. For example, Removing legally parked citizen's cars which were blocking the gate for construction sites. Starting a inspection for all cars on the public road. Police tried to search inside of cars. Setting temporary traffic signs of parking prohibition without legal process. When the Police who is legall

a Will of Okinawa is kept ignored by Japan...

Right after the National election finished in Japan on 11th July. Japanese government suddenly carried in construction materials into Takae Helipad proposed site which is at most northern area in Okinawa. Known as U.S. Marine's Jungle War-fare Training Center. The all elections won for the representatives for national diet. All 6 representatives of Okinawa are against the construction more U.S. bases in Okinawa. The will of the people in Okinawa is so obvious. However, Japanese government will send 500 - 1000 riot polices for speedy U.S. military construction. Which means for a removal of people who protest. It reminds me Japanese Imperial Force invasion to Asian countries. Moreover, 14th July Jap. Government & Okinawa prefecture government discussed to find a solution. It was an order from the court to discuss between Japanese government & Okinawa. However, suddenly the Jap. Government expressed to restart the construction in Henoko. Jap. government says that

Henoko Genaration Gap !?

Every morning except Sunday at 9 a.m. 10 to 50 people gathered in front of Camp Schwab. Almost all of them know each other. Their ages are mainly over 60's & 70's. I tell you this is not negative campaign but I mean where are young people ? I know that young people are busy for their life, but I don't see very very few numbers of them here. I think Henoko movement is not fascinating young people. In this few days, I met students at Henoko & Takae. I saw that they could not be a part of protesting people. They kind of stayed away from the crowd. Many elders are wanting to have more young people at Henoko movement but I didn't see both young & elders communicate.                                 To attract more young people, What Do we need ? the Blue Sky, the White Clouds, Green Trees. Good mix isn't it ? First session is maybe not easy to harmonize. But when the time goes... so we just need first step to come together.